An amulet for safe travels

I made this illustration last semester. It says «Saint Toribio Romo wishes you safe travels, wherever you are going, for whatever the reason». It was inspired by the amulets some migrants buy in a Mexico City market, which include:

  • a photo of Donald Trump with a dab of balm on his head, so he relaxes
  • road opener oil, which is made of laurel leaf, black pepper, sea salt, rosé, lemon, cinnamon, myrrh ash, brown sugar and olive oil.
  • an image of Saint Toribio Romo
  • the printed prayer of Saint Toribio Romo, which reads: «I ask, Saint Toribio Romo, that you take care of me and protect me and the family I have had to leave, so I can travel to far away lands to find betterment. Please, let me keep my faith firm and let me get back to my home soon to reunite with my loved ones, strengthened in body and soul.»

The amulet costs around 500 Mexican pesos, which you have to pay in US Dollars, around 25. I have animated it, so it mimics the movement of fairy lights people put on altars they build on the street corners of Mexico.


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